
AOA: 08.28.14

Main – CrossFit

If you have not signed a liability release, please do so BEFORE you WOD! Thanks! ~Runt


A:: 1 min AMRAP: Burpees (No Measure)


C:: Push Press (70% x3 / 80% x3 / 90% x3)

2-5 minutes of push press warm up


D:: Slam This (AMRAP – Reps)

Tabata (16mins)

1.Slam Balls (20/10)
2.Medball Cleans (20/14)
3.Russian Twists (53/35)
4.Push Ups

*Your score is the TOTAL AMOUNT of REPS completed during the 4 rounds of the TABATA.

*If the prescribed weight is too heavy, scale back to the appropriate weight FOR YOU. If you are not sure, ASK YOUR COACH!

AOA: 08.27.14

Main – CrossFit

WELCOME TO CrossFIt AOA!! If you are a new member and we have not turned in your shirt size yet, please text Amber (RUNT) at 706.224.5493, with your name and size.


A: KB Squat Therapy (No Measure)


B: Speed Racer (Time)

Complete 8 RFT:

200M Run (2min rest)

*Record your FASTEST time, and your AVERAGE time.

Skill Work

C: Strict Pull-Ups (20 mins of ACTIVE WORK)

Record your total Reps/Effort.

*If you are using a band, specify which color (red, green, purple,etc.) in WODIFY.

Daniel Ficarrotta “Fic”

Daniel Ficarrotta “Fic”

My name is Daniel Ficarrotta. Most people call me ‘Fic’ or some sort of transformed version of my surname. I actually like listening to people try to read and pronounce my name, it ends up being very creative but I like to hear what people can come up with.

I’m from Marietta, GA and went to Walton High School- graduated 2008. From there I went to a small junior college called Truett-McConnell College to play baseball. I transferred to Kennesaw State University to pitch but hung up the cleats after one semester and transferred again to the University of Georgia to focus on academics. So long story short, I graduated from UGA in 2012- worked a bit in the corporate world, then moved to Zimbabwe for 5 months (my travel visa ran up), came home to the US, became a CrossFit coach and wanted to try to go to law school. Mercer ended up being the place for me and I was lucky to find out about CrossFit AOA on the first day of orientation through Dean Michael Dean.

The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a Heav’n of Hell, a Hell of Heav’n. ~ John Milton

Rumble by the River



GOOD LUCK to the athletes competing in RUMBLE BY THE RIVER this weekend! Definitely keep your eyes open for “Michael Dean(CFAOA)/ Chi Atkinson(CFAOA)” and “Carrie Ingoldsby(CFAOA)/Erica Ferguson(CrossFit Tao).”


Coaches! Don’t forget SUNDAY, AUGUST 10TH! CPR and First Aid course for all coaches, with Fireman Will Jarrell.

Anthony Stephens

Anthony Stephens

CrossFit Cert. L1 Trainer

Clay Chatham

Clay Chatham, Owner

I thought I was in pretty good shape, that is until I was introduced to CrossFit by my wife Amber. My first workouts totally destroyed me, and made me realize that I had a long way to go.  I still feel that I have a long way to go, but the improvements I have seen in my athletic performance, physical appearance , and overall health, have been great.  I love CrossFit because it works for regular guys like me, as well as the super athlete.  I feel comfortable amongst the CrossFit community because no matter your level of fitness, everyone in the room is interested in seeing you succeed.  CrossFit AOA will be a place for you to succeed, no matter your starting point. I am proud to be a part of that process.

Not all who wander are lost.~J.R.R. Tolkien

Megan Carson

Megan Woodall Carson
Yoga Instructor

I believe anyone can do yoga. Often, the most difficult step is breaking out of your comfort zone, and coming to class for the first time. I am inspired by the positive effects yoga has on my students every time they leave a class.

When practiced regularly, yoga can truly transform the body and mind and lead us to live happier, healthier lives.

I received my teacher training at Atlanta Peachtree Yoga, and teach a variety of classes from Vinyasa Flow, to Gentle/Beginner Yoga. I have been a student of yoga since 2003, and a teacher since 2010. I strive to bring creative sequencing and a playful environment to challenge students of all ages and levels to discover their potential.

Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is more people who have come alive. ~Howard Thurman

Eric Kling

kling_profilepic copy
Eric Kling

DFQ Coach

Be like water.~ Bruce Lee

Daniel Minter


Daniel Minter

Apprentice Coach
President of Mercer University CrossFit

We don’t have to be superstars or win championships…All we have to do is learn to rise to every occasion, give our best effort, and make those around us better as we do it. ~Coach John Wooden